Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has sent an official letter to President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, informing him of the result of the 2 October quota referendum.

“In the letter, the Prime Minister indicated that in the interests of enforcing the will of the overwhelming majority of people who took part in the referendum, the Cabinet has decided to initiate the amendment of the Constitution”, head of the Prime Minister’s Press Office Bertalan Havasi informed with relation to the contents of the document.

Mr. Orbán told Jean-Claude Juncker about the fact that, according to preliminary figures, participation in the referendum was 43.77 percent, 98.34 percent of voters voted No, the ratio of Yes votes was 1.66 percent and 6.27 percent submitted invalid votes in reply to the question: “Do you want the European Union to be able to mandate the obligatory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary even without the approval of the National Assembly?”. Therefore, 3.33 million people expressed their wish that foreign citizens should not be relocated into the country’s territory without the approval of Hungary’s National Assembly.

“In the letter, Mr. Orbán stressed that the constitutional amendment proposed by the Government will be in full harmony with EU law and Hungary’s international commitments”, the Prime Minister’s Press Chief said.

“The Hungarian Prime Minister also informed Mr. Juncker that the Cabinet is ready to provide the European Commission and its President with any and all information it may require on the subject”, he added.

Prime Minister Orbán sent copies of his letter to President of the European Council Donald Tusk, President of the European Parliament Martin Schultz and to Robert Fico, Prime Minister of Slovakia, which holds the current Presidency of the European Union.